Friday 23 July 2010

Message from Cirwen

This is a song Cirwen found on YouTube.
Her first thoughts were it is a song about a child
with Autism, because so often she feels exactly
like Toeto. She knows how difficult it is to let
herself out of the hiding.

What I think? I have seen the withdrawal, I have
felt this inner struggle to express the feelings hidden
somewhere very deep, inside a girl I love so dearly.

She would like everyone to know how she feels.


  1. can I try in english? hehe... I finished my studies! I'm not so proud because I don't want to be a jurnalist (correctly?) Ok, maybe in polish... wiec skonczylam studia, ide na socjologie, i dalej uparcie planuje uczenie. Bo pisać może i lubie (co nie znaczy ze umiem), ale wiem jak pisac, wiec uczyc tego moge. Tak mysle. Rzadko tu zagladam, ale obiecuje czesciej, bo chce wreszcie ten ang poszlifowac bardziej. No bo szkoda zmarnowac tyle lat nauki. Tylko ze jak widzisz pisanie mi nie idzie. Wole gadac! Pozdrawiamy goraco, daj mi maila to wysle Wam fotki naszego DOMU!

  2. News news news we are so happy! Not shinny happy people, but extremly happy. we have already credit for our hous in the middle of the forest landcapes! Just a little REMONT! and we can be in our LITTLE BIESZCZADY in OLIMPOW. Awsome

  3. My apologies to Cirwen, I had house guests for over a week followed by a lack of internet connection.

    This is a beautiful song. I will not say that I know what you are feeling Cirwen, that would be untrue. But I was a very shy child and teenager and I do know the frustration of wanting to share feelings but something inside will not let them out. I can tell you that as I got older that feeling changed and it became easier.
